Dnd Zero: Season Two

Thursday, June 29, 2006


There was no longer any coherent thought in her mind, only a maddening fear and a near maniacal need to run. Having spent most of her spells, her only impulse was escape. Elaydren put all her remaining strength into reaching the doors of the mansion.

She made it to the hallway leading to the foyer. Her fear nearly turned into glee as she realized that the way to freedom would be in the next room. However, someone -- something barred her path to escape.


To pass the time while waiting, Miguel pulled out a small sheet of vellum and began enchanting it. In a minute, a single kanji appeared on its surface as the small piece of paper stiffly floated before him at face level.

“Hey you!” Miguel started to talking, more kanji started to appear and dance on the floating parchment. “I’m already at the Aunt Elaydren‘s house waiting for Rourke. I don’t know how long this one’s going to take, but as soon as I find out - ”


Elaydren's face grimaced in fear as the creature stepped into the light. It was of human shape, heavily armored and had it's sword raised at the ready.

The figure stepped into the hallway casually. The creature saw that only a lone disheveled noblewoman was it's only prey. Judging that she was no threat, It lowers it's blade - deciding to take it's time.

"You are no match for the blood and soil of Karrnath!" The creature's voice was a raspy sigh.

Elaydren's fear threatened to climb out of her belly but seeing the creature lower it's weapon gave her hope. This mixed with her panic bred desperation. Elaydren's instinct to survive took over.

With a feral scream, the lady charges.


A piercing scream from the house abruptly stops Miguel.

“Something’s up. I’ll message you later.” He quickly finishes off the missive and sends it off as he runs for the house – his speed enhanced by his link to the darkness around him.


Elaydren's desperate charge succeeded. She made it to the foyer. She had taken the creature unawares but not without it's price -- her fine dress was now stained with her noble blood. She felt her knees weaken and threaten to buckle but fear pushed her on. Frantically she limped toward's the door, now only a few feet away.


The battlecry made Elaydren turn around to see that there were now two of the creatures both rushing toward's her, swords raised.


Miguel reached the door. Finding it locked. He hears another scream from within. The warlock utters a harsh word causing the front door to suddenly explode inward.

Miguel saw his aunt. Her back turned towards him. His gaze drawn forward, he see's his aunt about to be attacked by two armored foes.

-continue here-

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Back at the tavern. Luxor intently watches her companion eat his dinner. She pushes away her plate towards him uninterested at the mound of darkened venison spuriously covered with sesame seeds. She instead dives at the side dish of lettuce, carrots, and other greens with vinegar at the base.

"These are .. delightful" making a face while at it. she had taken too much of that vinegar.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Middle Central is considered by many as Sharn’s seat of power. While not as wealthy as it’s Upper counterpart, it makes up for abundance of political connections of its residents. Most of the Dragonmarked houses as well as the embassies of the different nations of Khorvaire are located here. As expected most of the power play happens within and with whoever is in the district. People of and outside of Sharn who wanted power wanted to be a part of Middle Central.

Miguel, however, didn’t like Middle Central. Not one bit. It was one of the reasons why Miguel dormed in the Morgrave University rather than stay in the Cannith Enclave which was located in the district. It was these trips that were an exception. Elaydren d’ Cannith, his somewhat eccentric and distant Aunt, resides in a quaint little house in Middle Central and if he was to see her, Miguel needed to go to Middle Central. In the last year that Miguel has been back in Sharn, Elaydren has already sent him with a handful of assignments that has brought him to different places around the continent and outside that. Miguel didn’t complain. Actually he was grateful for the opportunity, it was an excuse for him to get out of the city and escape the politics happening within the House.

So there he was standing in front of House 19, a couple of minutes before the second chime of the evening waiting for his companions. He left them earlier that day at the Half Pint to get ready for whatever tasks his Aunt had her do. He spent most of the intervening time gathering supplies he might use in the task. Now, as he leaned by the lamp posts in front of House 19 garbed in his shadow silk leather armor and bearing his traveling gear, he waited for the arrival of his companions or for the second evening chime to sound, which ever comes first, before he meets with his Aunt.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

*** 8 months ago ***
Agitated. Alone for the first time in a long time. unable or more appropriately, unwilling to fathom the present much less the future. she reluctantly leaves idfu's villa. Taking with her nothing but herself and the kimono robes she wore the day before; and her ram staff, a recent gift from Idfu. She pauses astounded at how far she has gone. She looks back at her home. her refuge. her past. The villa was aflame. It looked huge even from where she stood. The darkness of the night adequately framed the angry flames, making it more monstrous that it was. "What would have Idfu done?" She thought. She asked the universe. Tears ran down her cheeks. her body shook uncontrollably. She was crying. Angry. Desperate. She had lost everything.

She continued to walk away until her thin body gives out at a faraway abandoned church a number of hours away. It was midday when she woke up. She slept from exhaustion. She stretched her numbed arms. She looked at her surroundings. Disconcerted. Then, remembering the tragedy that had happened, she broke into tears she no longer had .. IDFU!! ...

***Earlier today***

Her basket was already filled with different kinds of berries, plums, lemons, a bunch of exotic looking greens, and some bottled spices. it was a couple of hours passed lunch. she was in a better mood. Probably caused by the turn in the weather. she liked the rain. it was removed from the depressive heat common to summer days. She instinctively notices a tall man in the crowd. He was checking out some very dangerous commodities. she intercepts him just before he makes a mistake of grabbing some poisonous leaves (indigos kiss).

They made it through outside of the market. "I need to drop these off for a friend." She explained.

".. and i need to get more of these.. " she picks up one of the bundled greens and nonchalantly showed it to Maleb. " .. It was Idfu's fav ... " Her sentence was cut short. Her face appeared ready and close to bursting into tears but just as she paused in her steps. She collected herself.

"What's the matter?" Maleb asked.

"Nothing .. " She offered. Then as if she never paused, she explained her job in the city. It was simple. Help people who cant help themselves. Later, at the poorer quarters of the city. They distributed the basket full in a number of houses. maleb followed. When they were done. They have made it it time for dinner at the Half Pints Tavern.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

For a moment Miguel’s smile turned into a frown as he realized what was happening.

“I think what we have here is a little misunderstanding. I’m Miguel ‘d Cannith” the artificer said as he extended his hand for a handshake.

“Maleb.” The other man answered as he shook the offered hand with his free hand while still holding firmly to the halfling’s hand.

Miguel eyebrows went up again at that reaction but before he could say anything, a smallish bald black human woman in a simple kimono came towards the table bearing a couple of plates of steaming vegetables.

“Maleb! I didn’t know we had some guest.” The woman stated as she placed the plates on the table, seemingly oblivious to the incident happening between the males standing around the table.

Strange. This one appears to carry herself with some sort of calmness about her but there is something other than the strong enchantments on the bracers and something within the woman’s pouch that states otherwise. Better keep watch of this one.

“I'm Miguel ‘d Cannith, Miss.” Miguel stated as he nodded towards the woman cutting Maleb off before he could answer.

“And may I introduce my friend Timothy o’ Rourke,” gesturing towards the warmage who had likewise moved closer to the table during the conversation, “and his halfling associate -”

“Dee!” The halfling half exclaimed as he finally escaped the firm grasp of the large man and moved to the other side of the table beside the other humans.

“I’m Luxor.” The smallish woman replied with a nod and smiled back. “We were about to have an early dinner, why don’t you join us. I’m sure there’s enough for everyone.”

“We’d be honored if you allow us to buy the drinks.” Miguel stated as they added more chairs at the table and waved Otis to get their orders.


After an hour of drinks, salad and more orders of food and drinks after those, the five people slowly got comfortable as they got to know more about one another with small talk.

“What’s the business with the big hunk of flying granite, anyway?” Dee suddenly asked.

Miguel stopped in mid-gulp and placed down his glass of his liquid ice. “Good you asked, me. I almost forgot.”

The Cannith took out a small parchment and placed it on to the table so that everyone could see. “The gangly gargoyle you all saw earlier is the regular messenger of my Aunt Elaydren. She sent me this invitation. I’m not really that dear to her. She almost always calls for me only when she requests for me to look into a magical item or artifact of sorts she wants. Which I assume is the case for this instance.”

Miguel raises his glass for another drink of the liquid ice before continuing.

“I don’t really mind. It allows me to go out and escape the political web of my relatives.”

He stops though as his glass touches his lips and looks around at the table. “If you guys don’t have anything else better to do, why don’t you join me? I'm already taking Rourke. I’m sure Aunt E won’t mind paying for extra hands.”

Dee: This doesn't happen often...

I got caught?!!! Dee thought as he wriggles his hands free of Maleb's grasp. I better watch this person, I rarely get caught even when I'm drunk...
The halfling then made some half-assed apology and introduced himself to the group as he carefully scans the people who are currently gathered. Noting a familar face and some new ones, Dee carefully made a mental note of each of the current people in the group, looking for weaknesses, just in case...

OOC: Sorry for the delayed posts guys, things have been really hectic...
[Dm's note: Originally posted on July 19. Moved for continuity]

The human took the initiative to regard the question.

"It's actually difficult to give an exact account," came Maleb's response.

"But I must admire the dexterous little hand I've caught... though I do not highly approve of it's owner's intent," he continued still firmly holding the halfling's hand as he tried to guide the newcomer's surprised gaze to that of the halfing.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Miguel watches as Kapetros strode and fly off. He was just about to discuss the note with his companion when he noticed a commotion at the other end of the bar.

"Tim, I think your contact is in some sort of dilemma." Miguel stated as he nudged Rourke towards the direction where a halfling and a human were getting into an argument.

Even as Miguel moved towards the other group’s table, he appreciated the capability of the two persons.

The halfling seems to be of little threat except for something quite potent in his pouch. He’s probably a rogue of sorts. His dark clothing and numerous pouches is a dead giveaway. Not to mention that Tim has already labeled him as a guilder.

The human on the other hand is heavily decked out with various items of magic. Several ornaments in his body are magical; probably of the buff and protection variety. The staff leaning by his chair is likewise enchanted. The man himself has a finely toned body that deems him to be a man who is capable of handling himself in a fight. The unarmored and plain garments sort of place him as a monk of sorts. Better be a bit careful then.

"Excuse me sir, but do we have a problem here?"Miguel calmly asks as he reaches the other table. His next statement however becomes lost as he gets a good look at the other man’s face.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

15th hour of Sar, 12th day of Barrakas

It was a weekend, and both Miguel and Timothy decided it was an end long overdue - both for their own reasons. Much to the dismay of the general populace, Sharn's weather had suddenly gone cold and bleak. Overcast skies and a constant drizzle had replaced searing days of sun. Now the steady beat of drain water falling from the roofs and nearby suspended walkways filled the cool air with constant noise. Timothy however refused to be put off by such inclement weather.

"C'mon! Let's go out drinking! The weather is perfect for some mulled wine!" the warmage suggested.

"Mulled wine?" uttered the artificer arching an eybrow.

"Tim, I know you look like an elf but drink like dwarf - Mulled wine?"

"Hey, it's early and it's cold. I'm craving for something warm, sweet and spicy." was Timothy's retort.

"So where to?"

"There's this place down in the Foundry district-"

"The Foundry???"

"It's a cold day and the Foundry's warm! Besides it's too early for Firelight - and we ARE avoiding a certain misguided paladin aren't we?"

The artificer gave out a sigh in assent.

"Fine. I'd still like an idea of what kind of place we're going. Still have to pick an outfit, you know?"

The warmage rolled his eyes at this and remembered that his friend was in fact a favored member of one of the most powerful Houses on the continent - noble born indeed.

"The place is called the Half-Pint. I think it's run by halflings and gnomes - hence the name."

"I'd suggest you dress...um...more conservatively than usual- it's not exactly upper Menthis." The warmage went on.

The artificer paused for a moment.

"Oh alright. Meet you at the steps in a few."

"It's settled then, oh and I have a couple of contacts I'd like to introduce you to - a couple of Guilders." Timothy said with a gleam in his eye that Miguel immediately understood.

"Guilders? My my -what have you been up to Mr. O'Rourke?" the artificers face brightened with a smile as he made the mocking jest.

"Oh you know - bit of this, bit of that." the warmage said coyly as he walked away. "I'll see ya later."

"Later then." the artificer said in farewell as he sought his own quarters.

A few minutes later, the two friends walked down the grand steps of Morgrave University and onto the floating bridges that served as the streets and roads of the city of towers.

Being in Sharn was like a strange dream for Maleb. The ease of how the populace used magic astounds him. He finds this reflected in Sharn's architecture and in the way the people live.

The hodgepodge of people around him amazes him. After being left by the arcanist group he traveled with, Maleb eventually found himself at the Middle Menthis Plateau that is in itself Sharn's most diverse ward,representing a true melting pot of different races, ethnic and national origins, economic classes, and social status.

Still, people of the same nationality tend to congregate together and start a small community based on their origin. Wandering around, Maleb found out that small communities of human immigrants from the Lhazaar Principalities, Cyre and the Shadow marches could be found at the Plateau. It was in this last community that Maleb eventually found himself one drizzling afternoon. The Cassan Bridge district's scenes and lifestyle made it appear to a visitor as if a portion of the Shadow Marches had been transported into the middle of Sharn.

The district itself was pretty unremarkable, unique only to the human immigrants of the Shadow Marches who make their homes and living here. The buildings themselves are built on stilts much like those in the Marches. People keep moving around in their strange round straw hats and tall boots making the best of staring at the continuing drizzle. Even in the late afternoons a slight drizzle occasionally falls. Maleb found himself in streets alive with voices and scent of exotic foods cooking. Vendors offer snake blood wine, fried toads, bowls of crocodile stew and roasted lizards on a stick.

One particular thing did attract Maleb though, the strong smell of spice mixed with fresh rain. He follows this particular scent and is surprised to find that a not so small portion of the market was dedicated to selling plants and herbs. It's different scents mixing in the air creating a pleasant heady aroma.

Maleb moved around the different stalls looking and inspecting the different herbs and spices for sale. With each stall he found plants and herbs of different colors and shapes. Each, supposedly depending on the vendor, provided some different purpose- may it be medicinal or culinary. He eventually came upon a stall where a batch of sparkling dark blue herb seemed to move on its own. The stall's vendor, a small half-orc wearing a straw hat, was currently preoccupied with another customer - an even shorter but better dressed gnome. Intrigued by the moving herb, the monk moved closer to inspect it.

A dark hand grasped at his wrist as soon as he was about to touch the attention-grabbing herb. Maleb looked at the hand, instincts ready to defend himself. He was surprised that he wasn't able to detect it. He was more surprised to find the hand belonging to a smiling bald dark woman in simple robes.

"I wouldn't touch those if I were you." The small woman stated, the grab on the wrist casually turned to a frim yet gentle hold on Maleb's hand.

"Indigo's kiss can be nice - a nice appetizer when cooked in the right way but deadly when touched by the unprotected hand."

The small black woman stated as she then motioned to the small half-orc who put on some very thick gloves as he handed some of the herb into an equally thick bag held by the gnome.

"Thanks." Maleb answered as he gave the herb a second glance, for a second he wondered if the herb was likewise watching him.

"It's pretty clear you're new here. I'm Luxor by the way." The small dark woman continued as he pulled the taller man from the stall. Maleb noticed that Luxor hadn't let go of his hand but decided to let the woman lead him on.

"Yes, I am. I'm Maleb." The tall man answered.

Luxor nodded and continued to maneuver their way amongst the crowd.

"Any reason as to why you are in Sharn?" Luxor asked as she stopped to buy a fruit from a halfling vendor.

"No not really." Maleb answered still intrigued at how casual Luxor is handling the situation.

"Well, It's settled then." The small woman put the fruits she purchased into a small basket and turns back to the taller man. "You're having dinner with me. I hope you like vegetables."

Taken aback by the woman's openness the tall man was unable to say anything.

"Consider it as payment for me saving you from the indigo's kiss. I'm staying with a friend in the Foundry who allows me to use his kitchen. It's a very.. umm.. quaint place. You do know where the Foundry is right?" Looking back at Maleb's confused look Luxor gives a small laugh and simply then turns her back and moves towards one of the platforms.

Unsure of how to handle the situation, Maleb follows her. His Master at the order did say to learn from anything that life throws at you.


Two hundred sixty five gold coins and three hundred eighty two peices of silver, not a bad total and it's still early in the morning. Dee silently thought to himself while hiding in the shadows. Carefully, the halfling tucked away his earnings for the morning and made his way through the market and into the newly opened Half Pint for the Half Pints Tavern. It's never too early for a drink or two. Dee chuckled as he stepped through the tavern doors and headed to his usual corner.

"Ah Master Dee, it's a pleasure to see you again. We're lucky to have a regular like you ever since we opened two weeks ago." The owner slash bartender greeted his most valued customer at the moment.

"Well the ale is good and the service ain't half bad here Otis, besides this place is convinient for me, it's situated right between my work place and my home." Dee replied as he made himslef comfortable on his table.

"Really now, and I thought you stop by everyday because you fancy our dear dear Rachel." Otis grinned as he slowly filled up a pitcher of ale and handed it to a stunning young halfling lass.

Dee smiled as he looked over the girl bringing him his usual pitcher of ale and a slab of roast lamb seasoned in mint. Wearing a short frilly skirt, accentuating her perfect curves, Rachel slowly strutted towards Dee's table.

"Always teasing me eh my dear?" Dee said as Rachel served him his food and drink. The girl gave the halfling a small peck on the cheek and a wink as she slowly turned and strutted back to the bar, two hundred sixty five gold coins and three hundred eighty two peices of silver richer.

Dee sighed happily as he ate his mid-day snack, thinking on where he should work next to earn back all the money he just spent away.


"Well here we are.It's a nice and cozy place." Rourke mentions as they enter the tavern's dining area.

Miguel arched an eyebrow. "It's alright."

"There's one of my contacts!" the warmaged exclamed.

"Oh...A halfling?" the Cannith thought as his eybrow arched even higher.

Just as introductions were to be made, the tavern doors slammed open. A glistening wet gray blur flew in and landed on the floor - bounced once and landed in the reception area with a thud.

The Tavern's patrons looked on in shock as a small swirling ball of fire materialize in Rourke's hand and the Cannith seemed to fade from view.

The gray bundle stood up and unfolded stony wings. Rain ran in rivulets down the creature's stony hide, reminiscent of the way it cascades down the stone towers of the city. A House Vadalis signet hung from the harness around the gargoyle's chest.

The gargoyle shook the water off his hide and walked towards the innkeeper "Am sorry but did a dark and mysterious noble pass this way?" it said in a voice that reminded one of squeaking stone doors .

The innkeeper nods in the space beside Rourke where Miguel had been "That's pretty mysterious ta me." The innkeper said with raised eyebrows.

"Master, the Lady has need of you!" the gargoyle says. He reaches into the pouch slung over his shoulder and with both hands offers a sealed envelop to seemingly thin air. With that, Miguel faded back into visibility and accepts the note.

"Thank you, Kapetros. You have got to work on your landings. Give Auntie E my regards." expressed the warlock as he took the envelop.

With a nod, the gargoyle turns and disappears back into the rain-filled city.

Note from a Lady of house Cannith

The quaint tavern turns out to be a small establishment run by halflings called the Half-pint for the half-pint.

After introducing Maleb to the proprietor, a rotund gnome named Otis, Maleb took a seat in the common room and waited for the strange woman's return who supposedly went to the kitchen to fix their dinner.

He spent the intervening time studying the place and it's customers. The place itself was cozy. A bit smallish building but comfortable enough even for the large people who frequent it. Other than the common number of halflings and gnomes, a pair of humans attracted his attention by the simple fact that they were the only other humans in the place - other than him.

They might have been mistaken for brothers if they didn't have different features. Though similar in build, one had short red hair and dressed in mostly warm, red and brown hues. While the other had long dark hair, was a bit taller and was clothed in black, dark blues and grays.

He was still observing when something gray burst into the establishment. Maleb was in already in fighting stance when he realized that it was one of the gargoyle messengers used in Sharn. As he was about to retake his seat, he instinctively detected something and he grabbed at his belt where he catches the small hand of one of the Halflings in the establishment. This one nervously grinning as his hand was caught within the larger man's.

[DM's Note: Any volunteers for next entry? ]