Dnd Zero: Season Two

Thursday, June 15, 2006

*** 8 months ago ***
Agitated. Alone for the first time in a long time. unable or more appropriately, unwilling to fathom the present much less the future. she reluctantly leaves idfu's villa. Taking with her nothing but herself and the kimono robes she wore the day before; and her ram staff, a recent gift from Idfu. She pauses astounded at how far she has gone. She looks back at her home. her refuge. her past. The villa was aflame. It looked huge even from where she stood. The darkness of the night adequately framed the angry flames, making it more monstrous that it was. "What would have Idfu done?" She thought. She asked the universe. Tears ran down her cheeks. her body shook uncontrollably. She was crying. Angry. Desperate. She had lost everything.

She continued to walk away until her thin body gives out at a faraway abandoned church a number of hours away. It was midday when she woke up. She slept from exhaustion. She stretched her numbed arms. She looked at her surroundings. Disconcerted. Then, remembering the tragedy that had happened, she broke into tears she no longer had .. IDFU!! ...

***Earlier today***

Her basket was already filled with different kinds of berries, plums, lemons, a bunch of exotic looking greens, and some bottled spices. it was a couple of hours passed lunch. she was in a better mood. Probably caused by the turn in the weather. she liked the rain. it was removed from the depressive heat common to summer days. She instinctively notices a tall man in the crowd. He was checking out some very dangerous commodities. she intercepts him just before he makes a mistake of grabbing some poisonous leaves (indigos kiss).

They made it through outside of the market. "I need to drop these off for a friend." She explained.

".. and i need to get more of these.. " she picks up one of the bundled greens and nonchalantly showed it to Maleb. " .. It was Idfu's fav ... " Her sentence was cut short. Her face appeared ready and close to bursting into tears but just as she paused in her steps. She collected herself.

"What's the matter?" Maleb asked.

"Nothing .. " She offered. Then as if she never paused, she explained her job in the city. It was simple. Help people who cant help themselves. Later, at the poorer quarters of the city. They distributed the basket full in a number of houses. maleb followed. When they were done. They have made it it time for dinner at the Half Pints Tavern.


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